Pitta’s are fiery in nature and their primary characteristics are linked to metabolism and digestion. They are typically courageous, driven and are the leader of the pack. They typically dislike warm weather and feel uncomfortable in the heat.
An Imbalanced Pitta
-May feel impatient and experience unbearable body heat
- May act aggressive in response to inflammation
How To Balance a Pitta
- Cool down their environment: go on a walk in a cool setting or allow them to swim
- Chill them out: make time for relaxation and non-aggressive activities like fetch
Kapha’s are known as “the nurturer” and are linked to the elements of earth and water. They are relatively easy-going, gentle and have an immense disliking for cold environments.
An imbalanced Kapha
- May feel extremely lethargic, weighed down and overprotective in nature
- May experience a lack of mental clarity
How To Balance a Kapha
- Keep active: engage your dog in daily activity such as a nice scenic walk
- Eat light: feed your dog lighter food options and avoid overfeeding them
Vata’s are excitable, active and thrive in a fast-paced environment. Since this dosha is linked to the elements of air and ether, their moods can easily be changed. Vata’s are also very sensitive to extreme cold.
An imbalanced Vata
- May easily succumb to stress
- May experience anxiety and fear
How to Balance a Vata
- Warm them up: keep your dog in a warm, cozy place
- Make them feel comfortable: communicate with a calm tone and maintain a predictable, daily routine to ease their stress
Be sure to take the dosha quiz to find out if you are your dog are dosha twins!