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Bohana Resolution Guide

Posted by Zoe Gregorance on

It’s that time of year again! The holiday season is just around the corner and 2019 is coming to an end. As the year wraps up, it is important to reflect on the past 365 days. Whether it was a year of prosperity or you felt that something was holding you back from reaching your full potential, creating New Years resolutions is a great way to challenge yourself, set intentions and hold yourself accountable. Resolutions may be cliche however, they can be an effective tool for personal development. 


Now I know what you’re thinking - where do I start? The thought of setting personal, New Years resolutions may be overwhelming. There is a major misconception that resolutions need to be these catastrophic goals but in reality, small daily changes will go a long way. If you’re feeling lost in your resolution making, we have some tips and tricks that will help you start the new year on the right foot.. 


Think of resolutions as small promises. 

As we previously mentioned, there is this misconception about new year resolutions that they need to be these huge and overwhelming changes. When creating resolutions for yourself, focus on realistic, attainable goals. In this respect, a little goes a long way. These changes can be as little as taking the stairs instead of the elevator or getting a recycling bin for your apartment. Think about the effort required to implement these changes and assess whether or not you will be able to match this amount of effort. This way, you won’t be creating unrealistic expectations for yourself or setting yourself up for failure. 


Be specific.

One of the most important tips for goal setting is being specific. Whether it means attaching a number or frequency to your goal, this will allow you to set definable parameters and quantify your success. Not only should you be specific in your goal, but also specify the actions or strategies you will be using to meet this resolution. Instead of saying “My resolution is to save money”, you can get more specific by saying, “ My resolution is to save $20 a week by only buying coffee on Fridays.” The latter resolution is less vague, may be quantified and lays out specific guidelines for purchasing coffee. Being specific with your small goals will keep you encouraged along the way and will most likely lead to long term compliance, resulting in a successful resolution! 


Write them down.


Keeping yourself accountable will increase your chances of following through with your proposed resolutions. Failing to remember your goals is the ultimate form of self-sabotage. Write down your specific resolutions in a journal or keep them on display. We recommend writing them down on a note card or piece of paper and putting them on your kitchen fridge or in your room where you will see them everyday. The constant reminder will keep you on track and allow you to reflect on your progress. 


Believe in yourself!


Whether you are a resolution novice or a seasoned pro, it is important to believe in yourself. Doubting your own abilities is not only discouraging, but will impede your success by getting in the way of your own conscious efforts. Don’t be so hard on yourself. If you fail, get back up and try again. If you succeed, then celebrate your success and keep pushing on. Don’t make excuses for yourself. When things get tough and you begin to doubt yourself for a slight second, remind yourself why you set the resolution in the first place and how amazing you will feel once you meet that goal you set for yourself. 


We hope these tips ease your resolution anxiety and that you consider follow these steps as your resolution guide. Now that you know how to set yourself up for success, it is time to kiss 2019 goodbye and welcome 2020 with open arms! 

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